A new year with January rolling into the final week I notice it has been a while since I visited this blog. I think it is good to revisit this old friend and use it as a tool to reflect on wonderful adventures we have everyday. Forgetting to remember our daily events tend to make us question if we are moving forward or standing still. I for one wish to move forward. We have seen changes, big changes this year, good changes that keep us reinventing ourselves. Lets see... what is missing between my last posts? Corey has moved to Montana to be with his mother and study in Montana. Arron has moved (part of the week) to Julia's to go to school in Shoreline. I remain in Snohomish rebuilding the Suburban. Yes I am making progress but very slowly.
Frank brought over his engine hoist which came in handy when I needed to lift the cataraft onto the trailer. Not sure I could have lifted it without the boys or the hoist. Something to think about, maybe a trailer with a tilt deck?
Anyway January rafting was not too bad, a little cold. The wind and rain didn't help but fun was had.
Hmmm, I could use the tilt bed trailer for other toys I am dreaming about too...